Molly Jong-Fast’s 5 Favorite Political Articles of the Week 12/9/22

Welcome to the first edition of this newsletter. What a week! When I wasn’t seeing Violent Night or being attacked by Elon Musk fanboys I was super happy to see Rev. Warnock win an election for the 150th time in two years. We’re not gloating about the Texas-resident abortion-funding domestic abuser’s crushing loss; we are just soberly exploring the implications.
This week I talked to some amazing guests on Fast Politics with Molly Jong-Fast:
- The Lincoln Project’s Rick Wilson about Trump throwing out the constitution along with Dennis Barron about what it really means to be a “free speech absolutist”
- The New York Times Pitchbot about the media’s faults and Nancy Northup, President of The Center For Reproductive Rights, told me about the effect reproductive rights had on the midterms.
- Sen Sheldon Whitehouse told me about stopping big oil from profiting off the war in Ukraine and Bloomberg's Tim O’Brien told me about Trump’s ongoing legal trouble.
I wrote about Kanye, Elon, Trump: Why the News Cycle Is Trapped in a Narcissist Vortex for Vanity Fair. Is there any way to escape the attention-seekers dining in Mar-a-Lago or the one heading to Mars?
But enough about me here’s the five best articles on politics I read this week:
- Tim Miller wrote an amazing piece to explain that No, You Do Not Have a Constitutional Right to Post Hunter Biden’s Dick Pic on Twitter
- Mike Masnick thoroughly debunked the controversy around Hunter Biden’s laptop in TechDirt, Hello! You’ve Been Referred Here Because You’re Wrong About Twitter And Hunter Biden’s Laptop
- Charles Pierce wrote about The Supreme Court’s latest attack on Democracy, The Supreme Court Is Going to Decide Just How Big a Hole It Wants to Blow in Election Law
- Daniel Lippman wrote about No Label's inner-turmoil, Inside the turmoil roiling No Labels’ unity ticket presidential campaign
- Bess Levin looked at Is Samuel Alito The Biggest Scumbag On The Supreme Court?
Thanks for reading! See you next week,
Molly Jong-Fast